Supporting U.S. and Asia Pacific Companies



Question: Is Different Better?


What Some Want and Nothing Less

How do you navigate NPD and NSD?

New Product Development (NPD) and New Service Development (NSD) may be the lifeblood of future revenue growth for your company. Fortunately, by following a few general guidelines, you just may determine which way to direct your company.

MEASURE product opportunity gap (POG)

TRANSFORM product and service ideas into profitable assets

REEVALUATE product and service offerings, keeping market equilibrium intact

Back in 1903, if Henry Ford asked what people wanted most in terms of transportation, they’d probably say “faster horses.” A car, the Model T, was the actual solution. Suffice it to say, some people may not know what they really want or need, and your job is to determine what it is, and to only sell that.

One shouldn’t create just to create. Pertaining to technology, people don’t actually want technology, but what they want is value. Value is synonymous to solutions for people’s individual needs.

Let's TALK

$6.7 TRILLION IN REVENUE generated by the Model T (approx.) based on 15 million Model T’s sold between 1903-1927 for $300 each, price-adjusted to 1927 inflation rate for 2020 period, $1 in 2020 being worth $14.96 in 1927.

Our Dedication

We are here for you, both on-call and in-person. We will go where you need us most, including the U.S. and the Asia Pacific.

Our Success Stories

One of our recent clients, Living Tree Services in Dallas, Texas, expanded their sales by 230% in four years by using our services.

Our Pricing

Specialized pricing is provided in proposal, but generally speaking, we build as much as $4 in value for every $1 you pay us.

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